

This is the webpage for the Horizon 2020 research project QCUMbER. We are a consortium of physicists, who strive to develop new technologies, which will enable future quantum applications, such as ultra-precise measurement devices or quantum computers. These applications can outperform their classical counterparts, by harnessing the strange, yet strangely powerful, quantum properties of light particles.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 665148.

If you are looking for a refreshing cucumber drink, you want to be here. If, however, you are interested in clothing, you should go there.

QCUMbER coordinator: Brian Smith (brian.smith@physics.ox.ac.uk)

QCUMbER project manager: Paige Noyce (qcumber@physics.ox.ac.uk)

Mail address:

Clarendon Laboratory
Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3PU
United Kingdom