QCUMbER Conference

QCUMbER Conference

Event Summary

The Quantum Controlled Ultrafast Multimode Entanglement and Measurement (QCUMbER) Conference took place between the 10th to 13th of July 2018, in St Hugh’s College, Oxford. The event included international speakers from varied disciplines collectively working on time-frequency quantum photonics, and attracted over 70 attendees.

The aim was to present key findings while fostering new collaborative partnership and facilitate the dissemination of ideas from researchers in different fields related to the study of generation, manipulation and measurement of multimode quantum states of light. The workshop presented topics with particular emphasis on temporal-spectral modes, and key applications including metrology, sensing, and information processing.

Qcumber workshop picture



The conference was split into two sessions of Tutorials and Workshops. The official program and schedule may be found here.

The tutorials were delivered by six of the PIs from each partner institutions of the QCUMbER consortium whilst the workshop comprised of nine invited talk delivered by international leaders in quantum optics, fifteen oral presentations from attendees, and a poster session to which everyone was welcome to participate in order to encourage fruitful discussions on a broad variety of quantum optics topics.


The Tutorials aimed to thoroughly describe and explain the main ideas and findings from the Consortium's research topics in a summer school fashion. The sessions outlined the description and application related to temporal-spectral modes of quantum light, from generation, characterisation, theoretical formalism and utilisation. Some of the key findings from the Consortium were also hinted at, whilst others were described in more details during the poster session and oral presentation.

In the following, you can find the development of the Tutorials session, as well as a PDF of the presentations.



The workshop session welcomed nine international leaders in Quantum Optics to speak at the conference. They all contributed greatly to rising the level of knowledge and the impact of the conference by delivering clear and captivating presentation on state-of-the-art subject from various disciplines.

  • Ben Buchler (The Australian National University, Australia) - Stopped light, stationary light and deep learning with cold atom
  • Nicolas Cerf (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) - Multiphoton interference in passive vs. ac ve Gaussian unitarie
  • Maria Chekhova (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany) - Nonlinear SU(1,1) interferometer with multimode light
  • Alexander L. Gaeta (Columbia University, USA) - Photon processing via four-wave mixing
  • Paul D. Lett (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, USA) - Noise and spa al mode coupling in twin-beams for 4-wave mixing
  • Olivier Pfister (University of Virginia, USA) - Entangling the quantum optical frequency comb
  • Tim C. Ralph (University of Queensland, Australia) - Quantum correla ons and non-local quantum computing
  • Michael G. Raymer (University of Oregon, USA) - High-efficiency multiplexing and demultiplexing of quantum information in temporal modes of single photons
  • Peter van Loock (University of Mainz, Germany) - Long-distance quantum communication: theoretical approaches to experimental realisations

The collaborative aspect of the conference was further facilitated by the participation of the majority of attendees to submitting abstract, which eventually led to poster and oral presentation. The complete list of submitted abstracts may be found here : part 1 / part 2.


Further information

Please contact qcumber@physics.ox.ac.uk with any conference queries.

This school and workshop receive funding from the EU's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 665148